Sustainable Ocean Alliance - Social Media Content, Brand Partnerships & Events


About The Client

Sustainable Ocean Alliance is a youth and impact investment based organization based in the heart of Silicon Valley in San Francisco led by Daniela V. Fernandez and her dream team. In alignment with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal Number 14, established during the Paris Agreement to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development, SOA creates solutions to the ocean’s largest threats through two programs. The Ocean Solutions Accelerator and the Ocean Leadership program where they serve 7000+ leaders and 50+ start-up organizations through mentorship, leadership and microgrant programs.



Our scope included concepting and planning all creative and media content for Sustainable Ocean Alliance social platforms {Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIN and Twitter} including managing graphic designers and videographers. As well as creating and overseeing all social media campaigns. We we’re responsible for completing all marketing and branding deliverables including 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 Communications & Media Plans as well as planning and managing events with UN Global Compact for the 2022 UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon, The World Economic Forum in Davos, The Oxygen Project, OceanX, UN World Oceans Day with Oceanic Global, The OurOcean Conference, SXSW, Summit Series & more.

The United Nations Ocean Conference Youth and innovation Forum

Sustainable Ocean Alliance served the role as the official youth co-host and non-profit organization for the 2nd ever UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon Portugal alongside our partners UN Global Compact hosted at the Nova Business School of Economics in Cascais, Portugal. 

The conference recruited over 118+ youth from 56+ different countries to attend a 3-day forum in Cascais. The event featured over 73+ mentors and speakers from the private, government and public sectors sourced from the UN Global Compact and Sustainable Ocean Alliance communities.

Phocus Creative worked as the lead events director alongside UN partner organizations like the UN Global Compact, UNEP and the governments of Portugal and Kenya, handling the application process, programming and the entire social media campaign and content strategy.



phocus started with developing a modern and functional aesthetic for SOA’s social media content - a completely new look for 2019. Things kicked off with Daniela going to Davos in Switzerland and the SOA IG page receiving over 20,000+ views in one week all the way till the 2022 UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon where SOA received over 1+ million impressions across all social media networks. We have created custom content and campaigns including virtual and in-person dinner and reception events over the entire conference week on the ground as well as partnered campaigns with other ocean organizations on topics like Blue Carbon, Deep Sea Mining, Ocean Policy, Plastic Pollution and more.

the 2019 our ocean conference in oslo, norway

Sustainable Ocean Alliance (SOA) and the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) co-hosted the fourth Our Ocean Youth Leadership Summit in cooperation with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which brought together 100 young people from 48 countries to collaboratively develop solutions to critical ocean problems. Music by Kaleover


All social media platforms have had steady growth since January 2019. The Instagram following has grown by 20x and the LinkedIN following by 15x in just 1 year. Using premier content strategy and hashtag strategy and authentic engagement as well as working with brand partners and other supportive companies in the sustainable ocean industry. We’ve also secured pivotal brand partnerships with other companies and NGO’s including The Oxygen Project, OnlyOne, Schmidt Ocean Institute, OceanX, Peace Boat, and the United Nations. In October of 2019 phocus was brought on in an even bigger capacity to help grow and plan the Ocean Leadership program and the annual Our Ocean conference and United Nations Ocean Conference in which SOA is a leader in planning for in Palau and Portugal.

As of September 2022 we gave grown the Instagram audience from an initial 1,400 followers to over 23,000+ followers and the linkedIN audience from 300 followers to over 13,000+ followers.


#defendthedeep: global youth mobilizing to protect the deep sea

In 2020 SOA, representing the largest global network of young ocean leaders, called for a moratorium on deep-seabed mining, for at least for 10 years, in line with the UN Decade of Ocean Science, which enables the global community to:educate themselves on the impending dangers of seabed mining as well as to sign a petition with partners The Oxygen Project.

The culmination of the campaign was a celebrity filled event with over 1000+ virtual attendee’s including appearances by Sylvia Earle, Jane Fonda, Sven Lindblad and Dr. Diva Amon. You can watch a full recording of the 3-hour event below which also includes an incredible first look at a newly discovered deep sea coral reef in Australia from Schmidt Ocean Institute.

In August 2022 we launched a collaborative petition with OnlyOne, The Deep Sea Conservation Coalition and The Oxygen Project where we have received over 285,000+ signatures.

Brittany DeGirolamo