Oasis Music Festival - VIP Programming & Media Experiences - Morocco
Create and program all VIP, Media and Influencer activities during 4 day period of festival. Also researching and planning venue’s and locations for mini VIP excursion for 100 guests after 2018 festival.
Discovering unique and beautiful venue’s for our VIP’s and creating stunning visual content is only the beginning of our scope at Oasis. We were responsible for managing all media and influencers on site, organizing artist and VIP dinners all weekend as well as managing entire photography and videography teams on site during the festival.
Various parties and dinners with over 300+ VIP attendee’s in the travel and music industries contributing content to digital and email campaigns which sold out the festival the following year. Attendee’s included media and journalists from Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Forbes, Billboard, DJ Mag and Huffington Post.